Thursday, May 31, 2007
Fred Thompson in '08
He just may be what the Republicans need to maintain the Presidency. His only problem is trying to steal votes away from the three main GOP candidates Romney, Giuliani, and McCain. Will he be the 2nd coming of Ronald Reagan? We'll see.
- J
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Obama suggests a Universal Health Care Plan
Next we're gonna be able to legally steal cable, smoke pot, drink at 18, and play hockey.
Obama said it was unacceptable that 47 million are uninsured while others are struggling to pay their medical bills. He said the time is ripe for reforming the health care system despite an inability to do so in the past, most notably when rival Hillary Rodham Clinton pursued major changes during her husband's presidency.
Obama's plan retains the private insurance system but injects additional money to pay for expanding coverage. Those who can't afford coverage would get a subsidy on a sliding scale depending on their income, and virtually all businesses would have to share in the cost of coverage for their workers.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Miss Universe 2007
- J
Friday, May 25, 2007
John Edwards Proposes Mandatory Military Service
I think that doing so, would make our strong nation, even stronger militarily. I think that people would be more patriotic and have more pride for the country they live in. We'll learn to have a real sense of freedom. Although, I do feel that my opinion is rather unpopular, I also understand that having mandatory military service would be unconstitutional as each person has a right do do as they please.
- J
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Ron Paul assigns a reading assingment to Giuliani.
Upset at Giuliani's stance on foreign policy, Ron Paul asked that Rudy Giuliani read a list of foreign-policy books to back up his contention that attacks by Islamic militants are fueled by the U.S. presence in the Middle East.
During his speech, Paul stated, "I don't think he's qualified to be president, if he was to read the book and report back to me and say, 'I've changed my mind,' I would reconsider."
Paul advocates a limited U.S. foreign policy, including an end to the war in Iraq and a reduction in troop levels abroad.
- J
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Nathan Petrelli
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Iowa Caucus
They can say it better than I ever could.
The Thompson, Gingrich effect
A Research 2000 poll of Iowa Republicans, also taken last week, has McCain, Giuliani and Romney all bunched together for first place (18, 17 and 16 percent, respectively). McCain and Giuliani do the same in both Iowa polls. Why does Romney's support fall by nearly half in the Research 2000 poll?
That poll includes two potential Republican candidates, former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who together get 15 percent of the vote. Just about what Romney loses.
Romney seems to be making headway with Iowa conservatives. He sounded tough on terrorism at the latest Republican debate. "Some people have said we ought to close Guantanamo. My view is, we ought to double Guantanamo," Romney said.
Thompson or Gingrich could challenge Romney for conservative votes in Iowa. But they're not running right now.
If Romney wins Iowa, that could vault him to victory a week later in New Hampshire -- just as John Kerry's Iowa victory did in 2004. Romney, like Kerry, is well-known in New Hampshire. He's from next-door Massachusetts.
Edwards leads Democrats
What about the Democrats? Same thing.
In national polls of Democrats, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton has a big lead. The average of the five national polls of Democrats taken this month show: Clinton, 40 percent; Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, 25 percent; and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards placing third with 15 percent.
But in Iowa, it's different.
Both polls of Iowa Democratic caucus participants show a close race among all three candidates. The Des Moines Register poll has Edwards in first place with 29 percent, followed by Obama at 23 percent and Clinton with 21 percent. The Research 2000 poll has Clinton and Edwards just about tied for first (Clinton 28 percent, Edwards 26).
For Democrats as well as Republicans, in Iowa, the third shall be first.
Monday, May 21, 2007
The GOP nominees.
- Mitt
- Rudy
- McCain
It may be hard here to find a sure winner. I hope Fred joins the race.
- J
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Hillary's Campaign Song
Video After the Jump.
According to CNN, Hillary Clinton is looking for a campaign song, and she wants you to vote for it! In another intelligent move, Hillary has decided that instead of just focusing on the issues, which some people don't understand or care about, she decided the best way to get public support is to get public involvement. I think this may work.
Article Below:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- For her husband's 1992 campaign it was Fleetwood Mac's "Don't Stop (Thinking About Tomorrow)."
For Sen. Hillary Clinton it's ...up to Web surfers to decide.
On her campaign Web site and on the video sharing site YouTube, Clinton is inviting viewers to pick the theme song for her 2008 presidential bid.
In a video posted Wednesday as part of YouTube's "You Choose '08 Spotlight" program, Clinton offers up nine suitably rousing choices, including U2's "Beautiful Day" and "Right Here, Right Now" by Jesus Jones. Other featured artists include Shania Twain, The Temptations, and the Dixie Chicks, whose lead singer once famously said she was "ashamed" of President Bush.
The Democratic presidential candidate also pokes some fun at herself in the video.
Referencing a popular YouTube video featuring her off-key rendition of the National Anthem in January, Clinton tells viewers: "Whatever song you choose, though, I make this solemn promise. I won't sing it in public ... unless I win!"
YouTube launched their "Spotlight" program last month. Each week a presidential candidate posts a video question to be answered by the YouTube community. So far submissions have ranged from Republican Mitt Romney's "What is America's single greatest challenge?" to Democrat Dennis Kucinich's "When was the time in your life you felt the most courage ...the most peaceful, the most loved?"
Voting on Clinton's theme song ends next week.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Democratic National Committee announces their Sanctioned Debates
Taken directly from the Democratic Parties blog.
Today the Democratic National Committee in partnership with six state parties announced the dates, media sponsors and cities for the six DNC sanctioned debates. Additional details regarding specifics for the individual debates including additional media partners and logistics will be announced at a later time. The DNC sanctioned debate schedule will be:
DNC SANCTIONED DEBATES:"Our strong field of Democratic candidates have been working hard, talking about the issues the American people care about and laying out a positive vision for America’s future," said DNC Chairman Howard Dean. "We are grateful to the media sponsors and our state parties for their role in providing important, diverse settings for the American people to hear directly from our candidates."July 23, 2007: YouTube/Google and CNN* in Charleston, SC
August 19, 2007: ABC in Des Moines, IA
September 26, 2007: NBC News/MSNBC** in Hanover, NH
October 30, 2007: NBC News/MSNBC** in Philadelphia, PA
November 15, 2007: CNN* in Las Vegas, NV
December 10, 2007: CBS in Los Angeles, CA
*Debate will be simulcast on CNN en Espanol.
**Telemundo will re-broadcast both debates.
Good to see one of them is a simulcast I believe with Youtube/Google. I hope none of these people are idiots as well an disagree with evolution.
- J
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Hillary Continuing to Make All the Right Moves.
Although this wont be as big of an impact as the internet, at least having something like this available is a great way to get your message out to potential voters for almost no cost. Brilliant job.
- J
Monday, May 14, 2007
Hillary 08 Commercial
I actually didn't know any of that stuff. She's led a pretty amazing life.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Al Gore at 12%!
- J
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Giuliani affirms his support on abortion rights.
I don't really understand what Rudy is doing here. If he were just to "go along" with the rest of the GOP, he could easily win the nomination, but no. I guess he's thinking, it would be much more fun if we could choose between three clueless candidates (Giuliani, McCain, and Romney). Come on Fred Thompson, you're the only hope.
- J
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Ron Paul
It seems as if everyone on the internet wants him to be president or just in the race. This should be hilarious.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Rudy Giuliani filp flops on abortion.
Giuliani stated that although he is opposed to abortion, he believes in a woman's right to her own individual choice
Excuse me Mr. Giuliani but I have to side with Sen. McCain as he states,
"I think it's one of the fundamental principles of a conservative to have respect and commitment to the dignity of human life, both the born and unborn."
Monday, May 7, 2007
Republicans are defecting to the Obama Camp.
Personally, I think that anyone from Bush's support group that defects to Obama's group is probably not a real republican anyways. Obama runs a very liberal stance on many issues and just jumping from one side to the other does not really make any sense.
- J
Friday, May 4, 2007
Do you believe in evolution?
Well as we can see,
Senator Sam Brownback
Governor Mike Huckabee
Senator Tom Tancredo
all do not believe in the theory of evolution.
I don't think I'm qualified to speak on this matter, so let me have someone who is,
Ross Geller, paleontologist, has said in regards to evolution,
"Uh, excuse me. Evolution is not for you to buy. Evolution is scientific fact, like, like the air we breathe, like gravity."
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Who won the debate?
- J
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Barack Obama takes over his Myspace.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Obama Takes the Lead.
The latest Rasmussen Telephone Survey, has Illinois Senator Barack Obama as the new favorite with a slight 2% lead over Hillary (32% to 30%).
In my opinion, this sudden trend is based on the idea that many people are now moving over to democrats' side on many issues due to the war in Iraq, and are finding someone in Obama who is quite liberal compared to Hillary who is more of a moderate.