Thursday, April 12, 2007

McCain's Ever Shrinking Staff

After only raising 12.5 million dollars in donations last quarter, third behind Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, John McCain has ordered a financial overhaul.

I wonder if this has anything to do with Fred Thompson's sudden appearance on the scene.

- J

AP Link


Anonymous said...

I'd say it has more to do with McCain's breaking from conservative political thought on many things, the unconstitutional travesty known as McCain-Feingold being syptomatic.

Then again, perhaps I apply too much logic to politics.

Anonymous said...

Coincidentally, if you're looking for some Rightie links to balance on the sidebar, I'd recommend

Anonymous said...

I disagree with McCain on many issues, but I have to admire him as a politician. He would rather be an honest, honorable man than bow down to public opinion. After all, McCain might be right. We don't really know what will happen when we leave Iraq. Iraq certainly won't improve in any way. True our soldiers won't die...well in Iraq anyhow. How many will have to suffer in future wars with radical Islam, though? Muslim countries didn't start hating us when we went into Iraq. They have always hated us. It's this damn freedom! :P Muslims demand theocracy. I for one would rather die than live under Muslim law.

J said...

Thanks for the link rs. I'll add it.